VOM 12. APRIL BIS ZUM 12. MAI 2018
With his women‘s portraits EL BOCHO is one of the best known Street Art artists of Germany. He manages to capture the atmosphere of street art on canvas. The stencil art of Berlin‘s ALIAS shows individuals who tell us their little tragic stories we call life. The topics are loneliness and the melancholy of everyday life. LEVALET is a star of the Parisian street art scene. His black-white-characters interact with their immediate environment and mostly in a humorous context. The Spanish artist DOURONE reflects his real experiences and moments during his numerous travels. The scenes are characterized by their special beauty and are classic and surreal at the same time.
Ausstellung: 13. April bis zum 12. Mai 2018
Ausstellungsort: GALERIE HEGEMANN
Vernissage: Freitag 13. April 2108, 18.00 bis 21.00 Uhr
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